Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Tropical Storm Hermine invaded Texas this past week. LOTS of rain, flooding & tornadoes. Such storms are no fun.

I'd like to give a big shout out to friends in Midland, Tyler & Corpus Christi, Texas for sending some of the rain this way the past few days. It almost seemed strange to see it raining in the yard.

Not only was the moisture desperately needed -- I've been violating the local ban on exterior burning -- but it allowed my cats to track mud into the house, rather than the fine dirt & dust they have been bringing in.

The rain we received was probably the true definition of the word "showers". It would rain for awhile, appear to be clearing up -- maybe even a hit of blue sky's -- then it would start to rain again.

I got fooled by the "showers" yesterday. I started my daily jog thinking the rain had let up & I could fit in 30-45 minutes of hitting the roads for some excerise.

Wrong !!

I made it about 3/4 of a mile when the heavens opened up & I got soaked to the skin. There was nothing I could do but watch out for any traffic on the roads & keep on pounding the pavement. I actually made good time in the rain.

When I got home, I stripped down to my "birthday suit" on the side porch & left the pile of wet clothes & shoes on the floor while I went to have a nice, warm shower.

Still ... we did need the rain & I did get my daily exercise.

Thanks, Texas, for sending the rain -- minus the damaging effects -- up to Arkansas.


  1. You got the good kind of rain, and for the most part, we did too. It was windy, but not enough to infiltrate our windbreak substantially.

    We are having a PSST meeting(Palm Society of South Texas)at our house in October. You should come!

  2. Memo to self: "Self" ... move to the little latitudes, so that I can grow palms & cycads in my yard ... all year long !!!
