Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Sometimes current events, or recent happenings, will bring forth reminders of treasured memories. It happened to me recently when I got an e-mail from "Weiner", with an attachment which has me laughing & chuckling over something that happened almost 50 years ago.

But first, for those not up-to-date on these postings, & needing a point of reference.

Weiner was the nick-name given to my high school sweetheart by her two younger brothers. The name is only a coincidence to the photo below.

This photo just cracks me up.

Growing up, Weiner, who's real name is Marlene, had a dog named Go Go. It was no doubt named after the then fad of dancing & clothing styles.

Come to think of it, she may have named the dog after those white "go-go boots" Weiner once wore. Maybe still does. Good for working in the yard, I bet.

Go Go, like the dog in the photo, was a black & white "mix". I remember it as a sweet dog & very loving. Go Go was the "replacement" for "Cuddles", the previous dog.

Somewhere, in my (vast) library, I have the old Far Side cartoon, where the artist, Gary Larson, drew a similar dog with a treat being held on the dog's nose at the owners command. The joke is the dog's thought balloon, with the animal realizing the dog must kill the owner for teasing the dog with the food on it's nose.

Long before Far Side cartoons came along, Weiner's Father -- Roy -- did the same trick with Go Go; making the dog wait, not moving a bit, a tempting "snack" on Go Go's nose. Finally, after what must have seemed like an eternity to Go Go, Roy gave the "Okay" command & Go Go would flip the treat into her/his/it's mouth.

NOTE: I don't remember what sex Go Go started out. I do know she/he/it was "fixed". The name "Go Go" is kind of uni-sex.

I don't remember Go Go ever getting a treat as big as the hot dog -- or "weiner" -- like the dog pictured.

I do know this photo makes me laugh, no doubt remembering the entertaining "trick" provided by Roy & Go Go, all those many years past.


  1. It's those intense crossed eyes. Too funny.

  2. Go Go started out as a girl, but was "fixed". She got her name from the "Go-Go girls" that we saw on TV at the time. I did have those white boots, but they are long gone - probably should have saved them for gardening...
