Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Monday, September 27, 2010


"Decoys" is a word I hear more often in Arkansas than anywhere else I have lived in my life. The word is used in regards to duck hunting in Arkansas ... a ... ah ... "sport" ?? ... so loved in this part of the world. Got to have a load of "decoys" to go duck hunting.

There are three hunting "seasons" that bring out the Danial Boone in the people of Arkansas:
++ Dove hunting season -- which started at the beginning of this month. I know the almost exact time the killings began, due to the guns I could hear going off in the distance at 6:30 A.M.
++ Deer season -- the BIG ONE in terms of hunter involvement. Some school districts in the state suspend classes so that students can ... "get in the woods".
++ Duck hunting season -- which does not start (I'm guessing) until December. It's another hunting time when, due to my living near lots of water & rice fields, the hunters guns going off can be easily heard early in the A.M. They need those decoys to ... "bring in the ducks".

I also use "decoys", but with a with a slightly different purpose. No killing involved. Strictly as a "distraction".

Checking the Weather Channel web site this A.M., the "10-day forecast" for central Arkansas has all sun symbols. No rain due. It's going to remain warm & dry.

It looks as if I will be continuing to gather up fallen leaves on my property, as I have been doing for the past month or so. The trees shed their leaves due to dryness, not just waiting for Fall's colder temperatures.

I use my "decoys" so that I can utilize my time working in the yard & not be slowed down by my equipment being ... taken over by thugs. In this case, if I only try to use one cart or wheelbarrow, to haul leaves to the burn pile, the cats will 90% of the time ... "take it over".

I have to use all my equipment ... knowing that some of it will be ... a decoy.

All the "players" are in place. "Momma Kitty" (Precious) has already made her selection & is under the yard cart. Wobs & Nibblets are still deciding whether to get in a wheelbarrow, or, just lie under it. I'm trying to out-flank them by filling several carriers with leaves & using the one(s) which the cats don't grab.

Precious is comfortable ... oblivious to being ... "in the way".

Pointing out one of the guilty.

Miss Nibs ready to grab a ride. Wobs is relaxing & watching.

Finally, some leaves make it -- minus cats -- to the burn pile.

Just another example of MY use of ... DECOYS.


  1. Wobs was really using her cammo in that picture. It took me minute to realize she wasn't part of the tree trunk.

    Well, this really made me laugh, the fact that you have to outflank them. You should just give 'em a ride. I think that's what they want anyway.

    Fun story!

  2. Stacey --

    I always enjoy your comments & I appreciate you taking the time to post them.

    The main "problem" is the cats get under the carts & don't seem to want to move, even if I am telling them to move & starting to lift the handles & shaking the carts.

    Precious WILL ride in the carts & takes great delight in "dive-bombing" into the leaves. Wobs & Nibs are stationary creatures & only like to crawl under & do "sit-in's".

    Now, how about you writing smething on YOUR blog, so I can return the favor ?? I have been "poem deprived" for quite some time.


  3. Bill,

    Your pictures indeed tell a story. The Wobbler, Precious and Nibblets are so connected with you, it's very telling in the pictures. You had a good burn pile, too. All three "girls" are true beauties. You lucky guy! Thanks for sharing.


  4. Melissa --

    As a "dog person" just about all of my life, it has been a strange ride to have three cats so ensconced in my life.

    There is a much larger tale still to tell of how my my life changed once they entered it. I just have not figured out yet the proper way to tell it ... or ... have the answers to the questions I still find I am asking myself.

    Thanks for reading & writing.


  5. Bill, I'm just going with the flow on the writing thing. I some stuff in the works, but right now there's so much I have to do.

    And it's a pleasure to read your blog.

    Ha ha. The cats do sit-ins. See, I even have a good time reading your responses!

  6. Stacey --

    I understand. We all seem to write in cycles, with various amounts of time between posts.

    Currently I have several potential stories floating in my head. That last post -- on the "decoys" -- I wrote at 4:30 A.M.

    When I am "ready" ... it just gets written.

