Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

GROWING UP ... ???

Okay ... I'm "different". I know that.

I like to think I'm unique. One-of-a-kind.

I'm the poster boy for the Jimmy Buffett song: "Growing older, but not up". I'm 63, going on 33.

I was recently offer a job. I turned it down.

I never wanted to work when I had to. Why would I want to go back to work now ?? My whole life I wanted to be living as I am right now.

I've had a good life. I've had a good career, good friends & (mostly) good health. I've been in almost every major city in the U.S., & as I figure, about 40 different states.

I've been to Europe & traveled in Central & South America. I've done jungles & I've done cities.

Still, I like where I'm at right now. Central Arkansas is nice & I've got a good home with a niece piece of land. The neighbors are (mostly) good & the ones who are not, provide an interesting source of entertainment.

My close friends realize I'm sort of cemented in one spot right now. I'm not in the traveling/visiting mood. Like my recent trip to Florida. I only went for four days, two of which were dedicated to travel. I like staying home. [Yes, Bubba ... with "The Girls".]

It may be that "unique" thing I referred to. I like doing my childhood interests as an adult; keeping turtles & lizards, riding my bike, playing with the cats, working in the yard. It goes on & on. "Me things".

I've "confessed" on this blog to some of my eccentric ways. Like my large collection of pens, paper & envelopes. Not what the "normal" crowd usually has stuffed in their home office.

I know I'm different.

Well, it's time to alert everyone to another of my "habits", which really goes (again) back to my youth.

I'm a stamp collector.

I save ALL the canceled stamps which come on the mail I receive. My Mother -- Hilda -- in Florida, also clips canceled stamps & mails them to me.

The canceled stamps my Mother & me retrieve from envelopes are saved for awhile & when the quantity is right, are sent to an Order of Nuns in New Jersey, who sell the stamps to a stamp collecting company.

I also belong to a subscription service which provides me custom addressed envelopes with all U.S. "First Day" commemorative stamps when issued. I have special binders with envelopes containing every commemorative stamp issued in the U.S. for about the last 30 years.

I was a stamp collector as a kid, & -- "Growing older, but not up" -- I still collect stamps.

One other angle on this "collecting" stamps: I only buy & use commemorative stamps on my letters & mailings. No simple flag stamps. They have to be "special" stamps, issued on behalf of some memorable event, or individual of note.

And what could be more "commemorative", than stamps featuring me & Precious ??!!

Since the Postal Service only issues stamps with individuals on them after they die, I'm not waiting around. I designed & made my own stamps. I want to be on envelopes NOW !!

Just another example of Jimmy Buffett singing about me: "GROWING OLDER, BUT NOT UP".


  1. Love those stamps!

    And yes, if you can do what you want, why would you want to go to WORK.

  2. Bill, this is a price winning post. It definitely wins a blue ribbon! First your share your innermost thoughts -- and then your personal stamp! Your story touched my funny bone and I had to laugh out loud! I truly appreciate your thoughts!!!


  3. You??.....Unique?? I wanna know about that job offer.

    I've saved most of the envelopes you've sent me..good stamps and cartoons attached.


  4. Yo, Bubba --

    Only my best & favorite friends get the cartoons added to the back of envelopes.
