Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Friday, October 30, 2009


The Weather Channel sure got it right this time. The forecast for Thursday was for a series of major rain storms, with "... flooding expected, in flood prone areas". When I hear those words, it actually translates in my brain to "... flooding expected, especially at Bill's place".

This year has been a wet one in central Arkansas, with rain totals over 20 inches above normal. We certainly didn't need more rain, but it started raining again about mid-day Thursday, first lightly, then building to "frog-strangling" volume. Dang you Jim Cantore.

I have found that despite the prevailing theory about cats & water, my three thugs will tolerate water quite well, especially if they are focused on something, such as a bird or squirrel in the yard. They don't like a downpour of rain, but wet conditions will not keep them from wanting to spend at least some part of the day outside. I have greeted them at the door many times with a towel in hand as they have returned from such "exploring" on wet & rainy days.

Thursday night was a downpour. The cats lined up at the front door, mesmerized by the wind & rain, but there was no desire on their part to venture out into the extreme conditions. They were satisfied to stay behind the glass. Smart cats. There were also tornado warnings -- & one tornado locally, this side of Lonoke, Arkansas. A good night for all of us to remain inside.

THE WOBBLER & Nibblets

It rained all night. And -- YES -- my property was flooded, as were most of the home sites on my road. It's a low-lying area & too much rain means we are going to have ... "issues". In my case, water in the barn, sticks & tree limbs on the ground & debris in the flowing creek water. Such items in the water need to be removed from the creek so the debris does not clog the culverts under the side roads & cause more extreme flooding. I spent part of today with my boots on, walking in water where there normally would not be water.

About 11:30 A.M., as most of the rain had let up, I went for a walk to see how the rain had affected two nearby creeks. They both flooded this past Spring & I was curious to see if they had flooded over the roads again, with the rain from the past two days added to the wet conditions we already had.

Sure enough ... the water was flowing over the road -- Faulkner Lake Road, (well named) -- at both locations. At the bridge, going East, there were two road barriers up, due to the conditions. Still, I saw two trucks drive through the water. [I probably would have, too.]

EAST ... going towards Lonoke

Getting my exercise -- & like the cats, needing to get out of the house -- I turned & went West, till again Faulkner Lake Road was under water. No barricades at this locations, but the water was flowing with a much faster/stronger current across the road.

WEST ... to Little Rock

Late in the day today, the levels of water on my property had reduced considerably. The creek is flowing fast & full, but the rest of the land is just mostly wet & mushy. The current forecast is for sunny days for the next week. Hopefully such weather conditions will help to get everything cleaned up, dried out & all set for the next big rain.

I am not sure how long it will take for the roads to clear. I am in no hurry to go anywhere right now. I know too, if the roads & bridges have flooded here ... they will be flooded in other low lying areas around this area.

As for my cats, they will be all set to resume their explorations, come rain or shine. Just no downpours, please.

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