Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Monday, October 12, 2009


I got this office chair at a flea market at the Fairgrounds in Memphis, Tennessee many years ago. When I moved to Arkansas, the moving company "lost" one of the wheels, which I quickly replaced. It is a very comfortable chair to sit in & work from.

Well, someone else finds it comfortable as well -- my "Momma Kitty", Precious. [AKA -- "Chub Momma", "Stinky" & "Thug-O".] She is the mother of my two other cats -- Nibblets & THE WOBBLER.

The chair has been claimed by Precious. She spends her night & much of her days in the chair. I have to move the "computer chair" to the other desk if I want to utilize that work space.

If it is too early in the morning, or there are too many lights on in the room to her liking -- as when the desk lamp is on overhead -- Precious will cover her eyes with her paw.

If she ever decides she doesn't like the music playing on the radio & starts covering her ears -- she's going out side !!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I like her. She looks a lot like my cat Jack. I write poems. They're on my blog. There's one there about Jack.

    Jack covers his nose when the AC is too cold for his liking.
