Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Today seems like that one specific day each Fall when the weather indicates a permanent change in both temperature & the condition of the all plants, trees & their foliage.

Yesterday was a beautiful. Temperatures in the mid-70's & a light breeze.

Overnight it changed. A cold front came through. We had rain, the wind arrived & this A.M., many trees seemed bare & devoid of leaves. Of course, those leaves now cover the yard, driveway & the truck.

Welcome to Fall.

The temperature has now taken a cold plunge & the forecast for next week has the temperature lows heading down into the low-40's & high-30's. It will feel worse if the cold breeze we had today continues.

I did indoor exercise this A.M. I went back to the Hays Center for the second day in a row. [I like going there on Saturdays. Most of the "Old Pharts" are not there & the facility seems empty compared to some of the weekday crowds.]

I had another good workout; pushing myself for next week's Meowathon. I plan to have several more serious workout's this coming week, then taper off starting on Thursday.

Normally -- whether I exercise at home & jog on the local roads, or at the Hays Center -- I have my "breakfast" when I return home. Of course, depending on the time of day I eat, it might actually qualify as "lunch", or even "dinner". Good, sweating exercise kills my appetite.

Today when I came home, I was not feeling any hunger pains. Rather than eat, I did laundry, read for awhile & even took a bit of a nap on the couch. It was early afternoon before I actually started the "pantry hunt" looking for food.

Rather than go for a "quick fix" -- the usual such way is cereal -- I decided to make up an early dinner. After all, isn't that what "old people" do ??

I had all the ingredients -- chicken, onion, red pepper, H2o chestnuts & broccoli. It was time to cook up a wok full of my special "Kung Pao Chicken A La Billy Boy". Semi-professional home cooking at it's finest.

Whenever there is chicken being cut in the kitchen, Precious is SURE to show up. She will stand on her hind legs, reaching up with a front paw "asking" me to cut off a small piece of chicken for her. She will eat two or three small pieces -- as above -- & be satisfied.

I probably NEVER make any of my cooking adventures the same each time. I don't measure anything & I always "add" things. Today I added Chinese Noodles directly to the wok. No need for rice to enjoy this meal, which should probably be better named as: "Kung Pao Chicken & Noodles A La Super Chef Billy Boy".

Hey, Emeril. BAM !!


  1. Your concoction looks really good and is kinda similar to our dinner last night and our planned dinner of leftovers tonight...I grilled some teriyaki glazed chicken and had a rice & broccoli side. Unfortunately, I don't have any Butterfingers for desert like you. Bubba

  2. Soooo ... is that how marriage works ?? Bubba does the cooking -- & re-heating the leftovers -- & the Bubbette goes to work & brings home the $$.

    Desert was Animal Crackers.

  3. That looks good.

    How many miles will you run for the Meowathon?

  4. Stacy:

    As you noted in another comment, on another post, the run is 5K, which is equal to 3.2 miles. Around 30 minutes is my average time to run that distance.
