Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Thursday, November 11, 2010


I recently revisited a web site -- Photoworks -- I previously used for photo developing ... back before I switched to a digital camera.

Like many things I now "forget" -- which is a definite clue I am advancing in age -- I was surprise at the number of "albums" I had located on the Photoworks web site. It was -- & will be -- fun to review some of the photographs taken years ago. Some of them I may use on this blog.

Of course, there are some photos which are not so fun. Some memories recall a different time/place/appearance. Such memories can be a bit thought provoking.

The above photo -- taken while I stood in the "Turtle Compound" -- was from November, 2005. I was working for Caboodles Cosmetics; commuting weekly to Memphis, Tennessee, from Arkansas.

It was not a healthy time in my life, for many reasons, none of which I will elaborate on in this post. What I do want to point out -- as the photo plainly shows -- was that I was FAT !!

Job stress, life style & relationship choices, as well as (very) poor eating habits had me "ballooning". At my heaviest -- probably in this very photo -- I weighed 215 pounds.

This reminds me of a time I do not want to revisit, since the "cure" for my poor habits occurred about 16 months later, when I had my chest carved open, my left leg sliced up & my "plumbing" reconfigured for my heart.

I made a lot of poor choices in my life back then & probably could have prevented much of what I went through with a bit more effort on my part.

I only want to revisit that time in my life in old photos.

With all that written ... time for my morning exercises & jog.


  1. I always enjoy stories with happy endings!!!

  2. Working on changing my bad habits but so much of the lifestyle promoted for its convenience these days goes 180 degrees again healthy living.

    In theory since I work nights getting to the gym in the mornings should be very easy but I often find the day shift crew scheduling meetings as their work day starts which of course I have to attend.

  3. When my life "changed" ... the advantage I had was that I was no longer employed.

    My day is all MINE. No meetings/reports due/people to manage, etc.

    I just make sure I include some excerise in my start-up to my day. When that's finished, the rest of the day can be productive ... or not.
