Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Sunday, July 18, 2010


My youngest cat, THE WOBBLER -- AKA, "Wobs" -- seems to have a built-in sixth sense when it comes to knowing when I am going to working at my desk. If Wobs is in the house, it does not matter the time of day, or what she is doing -- i.e., up in the loft, snoozing on the bed, etc. -- she will come into the room & "present" herself to the middle of the desk.

I guess Wobs believes it is required of her to settle comfortably on what ever project I am involved with at the time. She likes to use her paws to move items around for me, such as pens, paper & any other articles on the desk within her reach. I often have to write using the side of the desk, since the middle will be occupied by Wobs.

Many times Wobs just finds it necessary to "require" my attention in the form of petting, scratching her head & whispering words of affection to her. My "reward" is a dozing/purring cat who is firmly comfortable in the middle of my desk & just a bit of delay added to my project at hand.

Wobs is so sweet & I appreciate the helping ... paws.

1 comment:

  1. You are so owned!

    But look at her, she's cute, who could resist.
