Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Sunday, August 8, 2010


The heat & high temperatures are in the forecast to return through out the coming week. Back we go to temperatures of 100 degrees-plus.

We've had a few showers the past few days. Only once did we have any serious wind with the rain. I'm still working outside, cleaning up the sticks, tree limbs & leaves which blew down.

The other times it rained, all we received was a lot of thunder & steady rain. Good for the ground, grass & trees. Wait ... now I'll have to start cutting grass again. Darn !!

The change in the temperatures did make it feel more pleasant outside. Funny how a temperature of 90 degrees can feel "cool", after a solid week of plus-100 degree temperatures.

The humidity factor took quite a jump with all the rain showers. It was at 90% earlier today. That's the kind of humidity you can feel as you breathe. "Heavy oxygen".

The day almost did have a very tragic & sad part to it today.

Earlier I spent several hours today working in the Southern part of my land, still cleaning up storm litter. Burning it, too.

I returned from the house -- H2O break -- to find my Mother cat, Precious, laying on the ground, obviously attacked by either a large dog, or one of the coyotes which are all too abundant in this area of the state. Maybe even a bobcat. We've got those here too.

My mind racing, I ran to her side, ready to face the worst of scenarios.

Oh ... she was just BACK NAPPING again. [I think I heard her snoring.] I guess she was just worn out from "helping" me ... in the high humidity. After all, she does wear a fur coat all the time.

Precious has been on my lap -- snoozing on her stomach for a change -- while I typed this post.


  1. I can't tell you how many times I've asked Jack, "Are you dead?" 'Cause seriously, he knows how to look it.

    Yay for air. And cooler days. We haven't had them here, but I'm soooo ready.

  2. It's back in the mid-90's today & with the rain showers we had over the weekend, HUMID is the word.

    Of course, I cut grass in the heat/humidity.

  3. I was a little nervous seeing Precious on her back! Then I remembered the antics of CATS.... I had cats for years and decided I wanted to own at least the top half of my dwelling. So I switched to dogs. Now, the bottom half of the house is not as clean (as when I had cats) but there is no fur on top the draperies!!! Just kidding. We don't have draperies. We live in the country! I felt I owed this one.

    I read that in addition to cats, you are fond of turtles! Do cats like turtles?

  4. The post doesn't seem quite as funny now, having just read you lost one of your dogs -- Casey -- in the past few days. I'm so sorry.

    I was always a "dog lover". Still am. It's just in the past 3-4 years the cats got their claws into me. [Pun intended.]

    Cats, equal CAT HAIR. My three know when they come back inside, I will be waiting with the steel comb to brush them down. They want snacks ?? First, they feel the comb.

    I'm preparing -- in my brain -- an up-coming post on the turtles & some of their antics. I've taken some new photos.

    The cats are always curious about the garage where the "turtle ponds" are, but all the noise & splashing holds the cats back from exploring further.

    The BIG pleasure -- especially for Wobs, my youngest kitty -- is to be given access to the outdoor compound, where I have some small turtles & several larger tortoises. Wobs loves to "explore" the compound; walking around, inspecting & sniffing. She will come running when she sees me opening the chain link fence & almost seems to have a smile on her face if/when I let her go inside. Wobs doesn't bother the tortoises ... just stares at them.

  5. In ALL things, it is better to have loved and lost . . . Besides, I believe in reincarnation! So I miss Casey more than I can express, but there's a chance he will return! I focus on the joy he gave which transformed my life.

    Okay, now to tort-stories! I have a few to exchange with you!!!
