Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Earlier in the year, I published several posts dealing with the Winter weather conditions I was experiencing in Arkansas & my lack of tolerance to the snow, ice & cold weather. The older I get, my dislike for such weather only increases.

Well, now here I am in the middle of a broiling Summer heat wave that has settled right down on the state. At 6 P.M., as I sat down to write this post -- with, of course, Wobs snuggled into my lap -- the temperature was still 100 degrees. I am sure the "official" high temperature recorded by The Weather Bureau will be more than the 102 degrees I had locally this afternoon.

I've got one of those fancy, smancy weather gadget thermometers which gives the temperatures -- indoors/out -- along with a forecast. The time is "official", being transmitted from someplace in Colorado (I think) ... which deals in that sort of thing.

At 1:38 this afternoon, it was 101.2 degrees on my gizmo & the forecast offered no relief, showing the symbol of the sun to continue the hot weather.

After all the bad Winter weather, the extremes of the Summer season are fully upon the state & no let up is in sight. There are more days ahead where the projection is for sun & 100-plus temperatures.


Keep the snow, ice & freezing rain. Give me warmth & the sun. [I really should live in the tropics !!]

I was out walking/jogging this A.M. when the temperature was 88 degrees. After that, with temperatures in the mid-90's, I was hauling water & running water hoses to trees & plants.

When it got REAL HOT -- see the first photo again -- I was in the dry creek bed, raking & burning leaves having fallen from the trees & bamboo. "Someday" -- who knows when -- the rains WILL return & I need to keep the creek cleaned out so there will be a lesser chance of flooding due to debris in the water. This task is always on my project list.

I like this kind of yard work & the hot weather does not hinder me. I do take "breaks" & be sure to drink plenty of liquids to stay hydrated. Plus ... I just like to burn stuff !!

When I finished my creek burning, I was certainly ready for a good shower. But, before retiring for the day, I got my bicycle out & "rode the roads" for about five miles. Hot weather & a sweaty rider. A good combination.

I do wish it was a bit cooler. These are EXTREME temperatures ... which are not good for man, beast or Mother Nature. But, compared to Winter time, I'll ALWAYS take the heat of an Arkansas Summer.


  1. You had better watch out, Mr Senior Citizen. These temps are not suited for old guys or folks with previous heart surgery. Take care of yourself. Bubba

  2. I don't know what to say. I'm from Minnesota originally, and I keep up this romantic notion that I really want to live there even in the winter. But I have lived in Corpus longer than anywhere else and I know some winter days here cut right down to my bones. I'd never make it again in MN in the winter. But start a FIRE when it's a hunnerd!? I'm overwhelmed just by having to go out in 93 degrees here.

  3. Bubba -- Because of the surgery, there are only a certain (unknown) number of days left. Got to take/use what I've got left, whatever the temperature.

    Stacey -- I was born/raised in upstate New York. My last visit up there in the Winter, (20+ years ago) proved to me my blood had thinned too much to handle the cold/snow.

    Also, business trips in the upper latitudes, convinced me years ago -- STAY SOUTH !!
