Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Time flies ... whether you are having fun or not.

I can't believe it has been three years TODAY that Momma Kitty had her second batch of kittens -- over night -- in the ferns outside my house. There were nine kittens in all, six of which lived. Once discovered -- I had to ask a newly slimmed down Precious to "find" the litter for me, as the group was well hidden -- the six kittens were transferred to a towel lined box & all started to nurse. Precious was/is an excellent mother.

Today's "Birthday Girl" is THE WOBBLER, so named due to some difficulty at an early age with her stability. Wobs is in the photo above, in the top center, identified by the double "blaze" on her head.

Wobs is my "special baby". While I have often written about my own surprise at being turned into a "cat lover", Wobs is a lesson & example of how that all can happen. She is sweet & loves my companionship, constantly following me around the house & out in the yard. Wobs can be VERY vocal in "talking" to me, telling me everything; it's time to get up in the A.M., to when I need to sit down on the couch to make my lap available for her to snuggle & purr in.

I love ALL my cats -- Precious was in my lap as I typed most of this -- & it is hard to believe three years has passed so quickly since THE WOBBLER was born.

Time -- & life -- has flown by in these three years. I hope me & the girls -- Precious, Nibblets & THE WOBBLER -- have many more birthdays. It has been a fun & enjoyable time together.

1 comment:

  1. Ah. Happy birthday, Wobbler.

    Love seeing all those bitty kitties with their momma.
