Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Wobs apparently didn't care for the housing conditions being offered to her, her sister & Mother. During the early morning hours, Wobs somehow forced her way out of the aquarium she was sharing with Precious.

A quick search this A.M. found Wobs up in the loft, balancing on the railing, threatening to jump, unless her "conditions" were met. [I have expressed in the past that Wobs "talks" a lot. Additionally, I am now proficient at "cat speak".]

Wobs non-negotiable demands included:

1] Freedom from the aquariums

2] More snacks

3] More space on the bed at night for her & the other two cats

NOTE: The above "demands" were what I believe Wobs was wanting & I was hearing. It was either that, or, she was saying: "Clean the ceiling fan blades. I can see dust from up here". Whatever.

The cats are allowed the run of the house once again. Everyone call off the ASPCA.


  1. Nooooooo. Don't end the fun yet.

  2. And just in the nick of time - I was about ready to write you off as a senile senior citizen. Now YOU go curl up in that glass box and have yourself a much needed
