Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I have about 12-13 species of bamboo growing on my land. All sizes ... from a species which grows about a foot tall, up to the "big boys" -- currently topping out at 50-65 feet.

The bamboo also comes in various colors -- yellow, green, gray, black & combinations of the color shades. The colors are a bonus, especially in the Winter months, when the hardwoods lose their leaves & the open grass areas are all brown. Being an artist, I like COLOR.

Starting in March, when the local weather starts to cooperate & warm up, the bamboo will -- depending on the species -- begin sending up the new growth for the season. This growing period usually lasts well into the month of May at my place. Then, no more growth till next Spring.

Some of the bigger species of bamboo is coming up right now through the ground, sending up new vegetation ... known as "clums". More commonly, people often call them "cains".

Bamboo is a grass. The growth the new clums get initially is the size the plant will always remain. Unlike a tree, where the trunk expands each growing season, the bamboo clum reaches & retains it's size in it's growing season. Bamboo can only get "bigger" by sending up new, bigger clums the next Spring.

Growth is also rapid. Large bamboo, such as in these pictures, can grow a foot -- or more -- per day. I walk the property each day, to inspect the new growth & "control it", by eliminating any new growth in areas were I do not want the bamboo to grow.

My cats -- in this case, Precious, the mother kitty, in the photo -- find the inspection time to their liking & will join me walking the property. Of course, their interest is not the bamboo, but just about everything else they can find to explore, nose around -- & chase -- while in the bamboo groves with me.

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