Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Well, so far, the approaching Xmas Season doesn't have the "pressure" associated with it as some Holidays in the past. Maybe it's because all "gifts" are taken care of & I will not be traveling to Florida this year, since my Mother will be coming here.

Then again, there will be the some "pressure" -- real or imagined -- associated with keeping Hilda entertained & involved during her visit, as well as making sure she is warm, in a latitude 800 miles further North than the warmer weather she is used to.

As I wrote recently, I have had my blog printed into a book for my Mother's Xmas gift. That was the last item I had to acquire. However, some members of the household have not had gifts bought for them ... yet.

Earlier this A.M., on the NBC News show, they presented the "fact" that 52% of dog owners -- & 48% of cat owners -- would buy Xmas gifts for their pets this year.

I don't remember how this "fact" was determined or substantiated. Part of their information was wrong right from the start -- Who "owns" a cat ??

What I do know, is the three "Girls" in this household are spoiled rotten & get gifts & presents all year long, be it snacks, special treats, comfortable beds or the "kat kondo", as examples.

Still, I am sure I will be included in the 48% group of cat ... ah ... "providers" who will give them something "special" for Xmas. But, if they want a bird or a mouse ... well ... that they will have to acquire those themselves.


NOTE: For readers unaware of WHY I favor the term "Xmas" ... you'll have to do some searching in my blog archives to find my post on Mrs. Gilmore, my beloved seventh grade teacher.


  1. Both Evil Spock the cat and Sparky the dog have their own stockings hanging from the fireplace. My wife buys them presents and to be honest they get better stuff than me.

    Sparky did bring his own dead squirrel to the door the other night which forced a late night bath and a trip to the vet the next day.

  2. Just in the past hour, my front porch has become covered in bird feathers.

    Now how could THAT have happened ??

  3. My poor cat Jack will get no presents. I do love him, though. I do.
