Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Friday, December 4, 2009


There was an article on Sarah in the Little Rock newspaper today. [Arkansas Democrat Gazette] We all know who Sarah is now days. Like other "celebrities" -- she may be questionable in her political future, but no doubt she qualifies as a celebrity -- Sarah no longer needs to have her last name included. Just like Madonna, Britney, or even another name in the news a lot the past few days -- Tiger. We all know who she is.

Sarah was in Fayetteville, Arkansas yesterday, on her book tour, signing copies at the Sam's Club. The article had a nice photo of her & was captioned with the fact each person getting a book signed would have a MAXIMUM of six seconds with Sarah. The article went on to say people had lined up over night, in the freezing cold, to buy copies of Sarah's book & have those six seconds with her while they got the book signed.

I have a large collection of books which I have been lucky enough to get signed by the books author. I have been to both book signings & in many cases, found an address for the author & sent the book directly to the author to sign. I ask the book be personally inscribed with my name. Makes me feel like there has been a "connection". The people getting Sarah's book are just getting her signature. [I have not seen what her writing looks like, but from the video on TV of her book tour, that's a pretty quick "slash" for her name. But, hey. It's six seconds.]

I doubt if I will buy Sarah's book. They have it at my local Barnes & Noble Bookseller. I have not even bothered to "thumb it". I'll wait. Maybe when it is on the SALE TABLE for $6.49, maybe then I'll buy it, mostly to say I have a copy. I've got lots of books I've never really read.

I do have another book ABOUT Sarah. Got it off the Internet. I think I will read this one. Looks more interesting.

The newspaper article on Sarah had quotes from some of the people who stood in line overnight & got the book signed. All had positive things to say about her. I would hope so, to be in the freezing cold for 8-10 hours.

One comment caught my eye & stayed with me. Someone said Sarah was "... our Princes Diana". That's taking it to an even higher level than "celebrity". That's going ROYAL.

It's funny, I always had a different opinion of Diana. [Here we go again -- a one word name.] Maybe it is being half-British, since my Mother was born & raised in England, I had a different take on Diana.

Diana -- to me -- was a "nanny" to small children, who was "selected" to provide Prince Charles heirs to the British throne. She was a "commoner" ... not a "Royal". From an unknown, she eventually grew so popular, she became more important than other members of the Royal Family themselves. She took on a life all her own, with the expensive clothes, articles written about every single thing she did or said, & seemed to be only interested in her own prestige & wealth.

WAIT !!! Maybe Sarah IS our Princes Diana.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha.

    There may be a bit of correlation between Sarah and Diana but I've been to Wasilla, AK (where Sarah's from)and there's nothing prestigious or wealthy about the place (unlike Diana who grew up in a Viscount's house.) I didn't vote for her via McCain nor for the guy in there now, but it seems to me, the more the elite world hates her, the more I admire her.
