Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


I had to take the three cats to the Vet for boarding while I went to Florida for Christmas. It's expensive, but I do have responsibility for them. Comes with the territory.

I was surprised to find out the Vet has a new service; they will "advertise" in their clinic the availability of animals in their care to people they know to be trustworthy pet owners. It ensures the animal a good home & continued care by the Vet who knows & has treated the animal.

On a lark, while there last Saturday, I registered my three cats. Let's face it, three cats are a bit much, especially when they are fussy on which [expensive] foods they will eat, require a lot of my time & it costs more than $30.00 a day to board them. I'm on a fixed income.

I was surprised get a phone call while in Florida. Someone wanted TWO of the cats. The good news is that the new owner pays the boarding fee & any other Vet costs associated with the process. I save a bunch of money.


The bad news is the new owners took Momma Kitty & THE WOBBLER; my favorites & certainly the sweetest of the original three. I end up still owning Nibblets, who I have mentioned previously, has some "issues" in the social world of cats.

Well, having one cat is a lot easier all around. I'm saving money. I don't have multiple cats fighting over which one will be sitting in my lap all the time & the bed at night will now be a lot less crowded.

Thinking about it ... I may go back to the Vet & see if anyone will take Nibblets as well. There is one"issue" I would have with the whole plan, which is highlighted by reading down below ...



I was sooooo glad to go get "My Girls" this morning at the Vet. [They were closed for the holiday weekend, but I had made arrangements in advance to retrieve them.]

After getting home & getting the cats -- & me -- situated, everything has settled down & back to "normal" ... whatever that is in this household. THE WOBBLER is laying in my lap -- purring -- as I type.

I love my kitties.


  1. My brain a-sploded. So glad you really have them all home.

  2. OMG!!! You scared the crap out of me - I thought you must have come undone or something! Then when I read on, I wanted to kill you!!!
