Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Thursday, July 7, 2011


Late Spring through early Fall, the weather conditions in Arkansas allow me to place a number of my larger tortoises outdoors.  The benefits for the reptiles include more room to move about & get exercise; a more varied diet; access to sunlight & it's benefits.

 The area they occupy -- "The Outdoor Compound" -- is a large concrete pad -- probably used by a previous home owner to store their stacks of firewood -- which I have had enclosed in chain link fence. [I decided a topping of razor wire would be a bit extreme.]

The photo above gives some idea of the dimensions. [The empty cattle tank -- which has a hole in it -- is eight foot long.]  The enclosed are is about 15 x 17 feet.  The "compound" is also a location for a number of tropical plants to "vacation" in the warmer weather.

 I have re-mounted a number of Staghorn Ferns this year & they hang on the outside of the fencing.

The tortoise have various "shelters" they can crawl into, but piles of leaves -- especially Bamboo leaves -- are more "natural" & appealing to the tortoises.  I place the leaves in the corners of the compound & the tortoises -- like little bulldozers -- begin the process of digging through the piles, both as shelter & a source of moisture to keep cool in the Summer heat.

 The tortoises are not always hidden.  Above is a Red Footed Tortoise among a grouping of Sansavaria plants.

 The tortoises recognize me as their food provider & come quickly when it is feeding time. Yes ... they can move fairly fast, especially when food is involved.

 Today's treat is a plate of bananas. The top left tortoise is a Black Mountain Tortoise from Indonesia. The other two -- feeding at the plate -- are Red Foots from South America.  The turtle to the right, feeding on her own piece of banana, is a Central American Wood Turtle.  Yes ... turtle, not tortoise.

 This tortoise was skipping lunch when I took these photos & instead was enjoying the cool mud where it had dug a small hole.

And of course, above is Precious.  There is no reason for her to appear in this posting, other than to let everyone know she was comfortable under the truck on a warm day & is still a fine young lady who believes in being mellow at all times.

That was a view of my Outdoor Tortoise Compound & it's inhabitants.


  1. Very nice.

    What are those staghorn things?

  2. Looks like someone in Texas needs to hit Google & get an idea of the type ferns which need to be hanging on their palm trees !!

  3. Hey, Ernie D're a great dad to these critters.

