Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Monday, July 18, 2011


I have always had a "green thumb" when it comes to growing plants.  In my Memphis days I had a good size collection of tropical plants -- bromeliads, orchids, cycads & staghorn ferns. I was always able to grow them to good size & bring to flower the bromeliads & orchids.

Now that I live in Arkansas, I have neither the time or space for the plants I grew in Tennessee.  Oh, I still keep a few plants of each species, but nothing like the collection & variety I once had.  In their place, I have concentrated on shaping & landscaping my current property with trees, bamboo & various plants such as hardy ferns & flowering perennials.

What I have never turned my attention to growing is a vegetable garden.  Never tried it, no matter where I have lived.  Not even some tomato plants in a pot. Zilch.

My Mother always seems to have a bit of land she is tinkering with & growing items to add to the dinner table.  Think tomatoes, beans & squash.  Her green thumb, is in the garden.

While I do not have a garden of my own, I have access to the next best thing; neighbors who do have vegetable gardens -- some quite large -- who kindly share their bounty with me.  It's a blessing which I do my best to return the favor, such as with small gifts -- such as my homemade cookies.

My neighbor just down the road -- "Mr. W." -- has a huge garden.  He was born on a farm & the affinity with the soil is a part of him.  I admire how well he does each year with his garden production. 

This year has been no different in his "sharing".  There is nothing better than a "sink sandwich" on fresh bread. [That would be a tomato sandwich, with salt, pepper & Miracle Whip, eaten over the sink.] Sorry, growers in Florida & Mexico, there is nothing as flavorful & good as a home-grown tomato.

Knowing that Mr. W. often has produce which has been damaged/blemished/fallen into the dirt & all of it not up to "gift giving quality", I asked him this year if I could take some of the "spoils" as well. 

Oh, I'm still getting the good stuff.  The other veggies are for my tortoises.  The tortoises are all growing so fast & large that I am looking for ways to keep them fed & not drain my wallet.  Mr. W.'s garden has been just the answer this year.

 Above is a photo of some of the melons & tomatoes, not "perfect" for human consumption -- as a farmer, Mr. W. has pride in his vegetables -- but certainly good enough for my shelled friends.

This morning I got a phone call from Mr. W. to come over & get the latest load of goodies for the tortoises.  A HUGE load of cucumbers for my reptiles & half a watermelon for me. The blue carry-all -- with just the cucumbers alone -- weighed in at 19 pounds !! 

I am blessed to have such good neighbors.  We should all be so lucky.


  1. Wow. We love cucumbers here - for OURSELVES. Sprinkled with garlic powder and salt, so refreshing. You are blessed indeed.

  2. Yep - I need to come over and see you (and meet your neighboors too!) CR (PS - Just got 4 orchid plants - any hints to keep them going/growing?)
