Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I've recently tried to recall when & how it was I developed an interest in growing bamboo.  I really believe it was many years ago on a trip to Colombia, South America.  It was there that I was exposed to some real GIANTS of the bamboo world & the impression of the beauty & strength of this plant has stayed with me ever since.

Bamboo comes in all shapes & colors.  In my "garden" I have bamboo which grows only a few inches larger than a foot in height, with other bamboo species more than 50 foot tall.  As well as green, I have bamboo in the colors of gray, yellow, white & even black.  With bamboo, there really is ... "something for everyone".

Some of my favorite bamboo is in the genus Phyllostachys. [Sorry ... I have never found a "common name" mentioned.]  Two examples from my bamboo collection are shown in the photo included & both offer a good idea of some of the "colors" found in the larger bamboos.

The green bamboo on the right is Phyllostachys Vivax. The clums (cains) have a brilliant green color, with a small white stripe at each segment.  The yellow plant is Phyllostochys Viridis 'Robert Young' ... named after some bamboo scientist,
NOT the movie star, who was later in the TV show Father Knows Best.  The latter bamboo emerges for the ground each spring as a light, lime green color & as the clum grows, turns yellow, with some segments having a bright green stripe.

As you can see, I have "color" all year long on my four acres of land thanks to my bamboo.

1 comment:

  1. The beauty of the bamboo is beyond words. I enjoy every picture you post!
