Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I see/hear from news sources, they are trying to blame Lance Armstrong again with "doping" ... using drugs to win the Tour de France all those many times.

Give him a break. The guy had brain cancer. He took a lot of drugs !!

I ride my bike "drug free". Well, other than the prescriptions I take to keep my heart working & free of any new clotting. No steroids.

I rode my bike yesterday afternoon. I had a bucket full of the small turtles I have been collecting off the roads locally. I rode down to the creek which is East of here & let them go in a shallow part of the water. The location was good & the timing was right to get them started on their life in the wild.

Returning home, one of my neighbors -- Dennis Whitlock -- rode up beside me in his truck & confirmed my speed at 15 MPH. Take that Lance.

And like Lance, I crashed. Well, not then, but further up the road. The result of two dogs running after me, barking & looking to bite. I tried to avoid them & to keep control of my bike, while at the same time, attempted to throw the empty bucket at the lead dog. Didn't work.

I lost control of the bike; tried to slow down & stop, all in the same motion. I got one foot on the ground & actually fell backwards, still trying to get my balance. I ended up flat on my back on the side of the road ... busted mirror on the bike, skinned up knee & a sore left hip, which is turning a bit blue today. Go ahead -- drug test me !!

Of course, I never got bit. Stupid dogs !! CAT'S RULE ... DOG'S DROOL.

I fixed the the broken mirror on my bike. I'll heal up too. Now, I wonder if Lance Armstrong will do as well.


  1. Sorry you were injured . . . but that's funny.

  2. Actually, Lance Armstrong initially had testicular cancer (sorta like the brain). Glad you didn't have simular injuries when you fell off the bike, carrying your pink bucket.. :>)

