What started out a neighbors cat, hanging around outside in my yard, has turned into three cats who pretty much have a full run of the house, 24/7, coming & going, in & out, as much as they please. It's to the point where I am re-thinking of adding a "cat door". [My concern would be if uninvited "guests" take advantage of the door.]
There is a semblance of routine to life with three cats. They each have their own way of communicating, "talking" to me, [Sometimes Wobs will NOT shut up, going on & on, whining about something. Speak English !!] when they want to be rubbed & stroked, food preferences & notable likes & dislikes regarding how I interact with them.
I am pretty lenient with all three cats. I feel I have trained them well & they "behave" within the ... ah ... "limits" that can be expected of them. [As I have written many times -- & will, no doubt continue to do so in the future -- "They are cats".]
Every day, all three cats will spend at least some portion of the day outside. They were raised that way & it is in their nature to do so. It's also in "Nature" where they like to explore & "hunt". They let me know when they want out & will appear back at the door when they are ready to return inside ... usually to grab a quick bite of a snack & then head back out again.
I attempt to "require" all three to be inside at night. As it starts to get dark outside, those who are outside, will [usually] arrive singularly, or together, at the front door. Fun is over & it's time to come in.
Usually ...
Sometimes -- like a small child [which is what they act like much of the time] -- the cats will try to "stretch" their time outside & will either not want to come in the open door, or don't even appear at the door. Many more than a few nights I have had to go, flashlight in hand, on a hard-target search for one or more of them. Not too often. Just enough to get P.O.'ed when it happens.
One of the first ones out in the morning & last ones to come in at night is Nibblets. She likes her outdoor time. Since Monday was her third birthday, she may have done a bit too much "celebrating", or whatever it is cats do when out of sight. Whatever ... Nibblets missed "curfew" on Monday.
Miss Nibs was on the front porch for quite a while. I kept "inviting" her inside with the open door. No interest. Ignored me. Finally I looked & she was gone from the porch.
Nibblets still had not returned to the porch when I closed down the house for the night & went to bed. Precious spent the night with me. Wobs was upstairs in the loft, in her cozy little spot. Nibs was on her own for the night.
And ... at 6:15 A.M. Tuesday ... there was Nibblets at the front door, anxious to come inside. As I opened the door, she blazed by me, running down the hall & rapidly to the kitchen to get her food. I hoped she appreciated it.
Naturally, I "scolded" Nibblets a bit for not coming home, pointing out all the poor abandoned/stray kitties which would love to have just some of the fine food & home comforts Nibs takes for granted. [Like what I was saying was ever going to make a difference. She kept on eating.]
Yesterday afternoon, Nibblets joined me outside, where I was doing some tree planting in the yard. Probably still tired, she spent most of the time in the shade under a tree, observing, rather than the "supervising/helping/getting in the way" my cats usually do with any outdoor activity I am involved with.
Last night, Nibblets was the FIRST cat to come in for the night. Maybe she had enough adventure the previous night out.
You are just too funny ..... what a "mother" you have become to those critters!!
With your cats in and out, do you have a flea problem at all?