I'd like to have a "pet". I have thought -- at various times -- of getting a dog. Probably "dogs", as I really think all animals do better if they have "buddies" of their species.
My cats do provide me with great companionship. My life has really changed with all three of them in it. They certainly have affected my financial status.
"The Girls" all go to the Veterinarian on a regular basis for booster shots & annual check-ups. All three have been of course "fixed". And, when I go out of town for more than a day, they again all go to the Vet for boarding ... currently at $10.50 EACH, per day.
My cats like a variety of food & cat "snacks". I make at least one trip to the grocery store -- Kroger, WalMart, &/or, Sam's Club -- each week for food for "us". More money spent on them.
I get the Frontline-Plus via the Internet from Doctors Foster & Smith in Wisconsin. [ http://www.drsfostersmith.com/ ] They have the best price, the shipping is free & the service & speed of shipping is the best.
My other non-pets certainly have expenses involved with them. Being reptiles, they require a heater in the Winter & so as to not over-heat in the Summer, [more deadly than cold to reptiles] the compound where my collection stays, is also air conditioned. They have special lighting to simulate the sun, a balanced food diet depending on species [some turtles will only eat LIVE fish] along with vitamins & minerals for growth. Add to that, cages & "ponds" along with filters, water & other miscellaneous items.
Much of the turtle food is also purchased from Doctor's Foster & Smith. They sell all types of animal & pet supplies. Just the other day, FedEx-Ground dropped of a large box on my front porch with my latest order from DF&S.
In this instance, I placed my order via the Internet on Tuesday morning. That afternoon I had an e-mail from DF&S confirming shipment & providing me with the FedEx tracking numbers. The box above was delivered on Thursday. Again ... great speed & service.
This is the contents of the box. Along with the manufactured foods above & similar products, I also feed my turtles fruits & vegetables, fish, meat, shrimp, worms, crickets & "Superworms". [Don't ask. Look them up on Google.]
My "non-pet animals" are provided the best in care, environment, food & vitamins. Even if they don't come when called, they are still special to me & deserving of the best care I can afford to provide them with. And ... they deserve it !!
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