Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Sunday, January 29, 2012


One of the MAJOR areas of argument & contention in the on-going Republican Presidential nominating process -- & after that, no doubt in the actual campaign/election  process between the Elephants & the Asses -- has been who is the best individual equipped to help regain prosperity again in our country through the creation  of ... JOBS.

I have to admit I have tuned-out the whole Republican multi-debateathon a long time ago. I don't have the time. It's a shorten season in the NBA.  I've got games to watch on my sports package.

With the four remaining Republicans looking to win the Florida primary this coming week, it occurs to me that three out of the four running for that states votes ... don't have jobs.  Just like me !!

Ron Paul is still in Congress, but I have no idea how many of his staffers are running his office.  At least he has a job.

Rick Santorium was tossed out of the Senate by the the voters of his home state, Pennsylvania.  The people didn't want him in office, so I have no idea what makes him think the whole nation would want him to be their leader.  I guess he's living on borrowed money, from whoever wants to contribute to his attempt to make a name for himself, other than "loser".

Newt Gingrich reminds me a lot of Rush Limbaugh.  I love to listen to both men speak. [I have Rush on a pre-set on my truck radio.]  Both articulate their thoughts/feelings/messages well.  The problem is both men are full of s**t !! As for Newt's income & having a REAL job, I'll leave it up to Mitt Romney & the rest of the Republicans to try to figure out what, if any, of what Newt claims is the truth, is actually real, or just "Newt Speak".

Ah ... now I can relate to Mitt RomneyHe's REALLY just like me.  Neither of us has worked in years & both of us depend on income from investments. [Of course, my 401k got slaughtered back in 2008, thanks to President Bush & his folks on Wall Street.]  Luckily, I have Social Security & my L'Oreal pension, income neither of which Mitt Romney will ever need.

I guess if I had income of over 28 million dollars for each of the last two years -- just from investments -- as well as paying income tax of less than 15%, I might be tempted to run for President too, just as Mitt has been doing for the last decade.

Even with my "fixed  income", I still find ways to make some extra money now & then.  Just today I did a small job -- took just over an hour -- & made $162.00.  That's a nice hourly rate.  Who says there are no good paying jobs ??

Today was the day I counted & wrapped the "spare change" jars.

I never leave the house with loose change.  I carry folding money only when I leave to go someplace.  Any coins I get while shopping are deposited in two jars near the entrance to my home when I return; one jar for pennies & the other jar for "silver".

 I have several "funnels" which are calibrated for each size coin & the correct amount in the wrapper. The funnels make the process go quickly & help increase that per-hour pay rate.

 Of course, as with any "job", good co-workers are always a value.  Luckily, I have several "helpers", who often act as supervisors, and/or, "BOSSES".

 Today, when finished, almost all the coins had been wrapped & rolled, & only an hour of my life was taken up by the process.  Fair return.

All packed up & ready to carry to the bank tomorrow in England, Arkansas, where I'll put the $$ in my savings account, since like most of the Republicans running for President ... I don't have a job either.


  1. Wish I was close by..I'd give you paper money for those coins as I bet there's, at least, several valuable coins in the group. Coin collection is one of my newer hobbies.

    Now to the election. Having or having had a job is really not a prerequisite for getting elected as POTUS. The current POTUS had a REAL job for only a couple of years prior to getting elected.

    Earl P.

  2. both of us depend on income from investments.

    While I moan and groan about leaving the country I have to figure the only way I will ever be able to retire is to find some place very cheap to live. Right now Belize looks like the best place.

  3. Bubba -- Guess I never informed you about MY coin collection, in my safe box at the bank -- Indian Head Pennies, Buffalo Nickels, Wheat Pennies, etc. Even STEEL Pennies from WW II. LOTS OF THEM !!

    Captain -- Review Costa Rica, too.
