Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


All that rain we got on Sunday & Monday -- along with the resulting flooding -- had stopped by Monday afternoon.  Come Tuesday morning, the flooding on my property had reseeded. [Not so for other locations close to me, where the flooding was damaging, with standing H2O still & closed roads.  I was lucky.]

The cold front which pushed through the weekend rains did provide snow to the mix last night.  It's just added to the damp, chilling feeling which goes with the low temperatures & abundance of H2O.

While the above area was covered in H2O as of Monday, it is now looking quite different, with the creek having returned to ... ah ... "normal" ... which it really isn't, due to the addition of the snow.

As compared to another recent posting photo, the above shows how the snow can be covering the ground in some places & there be almost no snow in other areas.

As I write, it is getting brighter out my window, as the sun starts to penetrate the clouds. All the snow -- for now -- will soon be melted & gone.