Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Friday, October 28, 2011


On this blog, I have certainly documented my life long interest in all things reptile, with emphasis on my turtle & tortoise collection.  Also I have written -- ad nauseam -- on my love & strong bond for my three cats, which has occurred later in life.  [And that life is getting "later".  Trust me.]

Another interest in the animal kingdom which has long held my attention -- but never in my possession -- have been ... ELEPHANTS.

I think it all began at a zoo in Great Britain, many years ago, where me & my uncles rode on an elephant. Somewhere there is an old, black & white photo of us all riding on the giant animal.  It was love at first ride.

Now days, when ever I visit a  zoo, in any city, I usually go out of my way NOT to view the elephant display ... if the zoo has elephants.  Thankfully, more & more zoos are realizing that it is cruel to feature elephants in confined areas.

It's been about 40 years since I have been to any circus.  It's not a fear of clowns which keeps me away but rather the "preforming animals" -- which includes elephants.  It's not natural for the animals & it too is a form of animal cruelty.

Like many folks, I get solicitations all the time to donate to various organizations. [I got two in today's mail alone.]  Besides supporting -- with $$ -- The House of Mews in Memphis, I contribute to The Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, Tennessee.  In both cases, I feel my $$ is well spent & well served.

The Elephant Sanctuary is a home for sick & abused elephants, which have been "retired" from "preforming" ... at zoos & circuses.  The elephants roam "free" on almost 2,000 acres of land, their care & needs provided by a dedicated staff, who watch over the elephants, as the animals enjoy life, no longer prodded with sharp "elephant hooks" or being chained in confined areas.

In nature, elephants wander many miles each day, in herds of communicating with each other, led by an elder female. [Males are solitary animals.]  The Elephant Sanctuary has both African & Asian animals; all females.

The above elephant is named Terra & her "companion" is a dog named Bella.  Sadly, I received an e-mail today that Bella was found dead at the Sanctuary.  As best that can be determined, Bella had been separated from Tarra at some point in the night & was attacked & killed by coyotes.  Tarra found Bella's body & carried the dog back to the barn where the elephants spend the night. One of the signs of intelligence in elephants is their grief expressed towards the death of members of their herd.  In this case, the grief was for a dog.

Like so many animals, elephants are facing many difficulties in the wild: being hunted for ivory & meat, & certainly the loss of land as man advances into new areas.  Add to this the exploitation of elephants in captivity for people's "entertainment", & the future does not look bright for elephants.

For my part I will continue to contribute what financial aid I can to The Elephant Sanctuary & I will continue to "boycott" circuses & zoo's which feature these animals.


  1. Fascinating - I never thought of it that way before, but I have to agree with you. Amazing story about the elephant and the dog.

  2. Well said. I gave up visiting zoos a long time ago. I left with a heavy heart every time. Very educational post.

  3. I had read some time ago about the elephant and Bella.....and also read in the newspaper about the death of Bella. So sad. I think Elephants are very emotional and loving animals. Glad for all the people out there and their sanctuaries for all abused animals! C
