Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Monday, January 2, 2012


Years ago, the late Andy Warhol made a lasting comment, something like ... "Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes".  I guess he was making note of the increasing number of people becoming "celebrities".  Poor Andy was way off base in his prediction.  If he were alive today, his thoughts might be a bit more like .... "Everyone will be famous ... for NOTHING".

Claiming my age, I have lived long enough to remember when people were well known -- & "famous" -- for doing ... SOMETHING.  Be they movie stars, athletes, war hero's, etc., people had to accomplish something worth wild to be well know.  Very few people we admired did not get our respect & admiration overnight.  They earned it. Certainly they were not "famous" for being on a "reality TV show".

Nowadays there are too many TV channels needing "content", with the shows being offered all seeming to be off-shoots of they same trash TV. There are too many magazines -- along with Internet sites -- all seeming to create "STARS" out of people with no talent, or people being highlighted for doing things once thought of as ... "taboo". [Consider MTV's "16 & PREGNANT"]

What is it in the USA -- & for that matter, the world -- when "entertainment" is a bunch of drunk, illiterate people in New Jersey, "Housewives" in almost any major city & a bunch of Kardashian media-whores that have "fans" who follow & idolize them ??  FOR WHAT ??!!

We are in a real time of the "Dumbing Down of America". Something is really wrong & it's a slippery slope path our future is traveling on.

I don't watch ANY TV having to do with "reality shows".  They are not ... "real".  There are cameramen, someone with a microphone & a producer following a script.  How many times do they film several "takes" to get the right sound & lighting ??  "Reality" my a** !!!

One of the biggest offenders of this total mess is the magazine US WEEKLY.  I HATE THIS MAGAZINE.

The word most often used in articles is "Star". Somehow ... everyone pictured, in every issue of this magazine, is a "Star".  "Star" of what or why ... I don't know.  I probably recognize less than half the people featured in the magazine & have no idea why they are in the magazine, or why they should be. I guess because they are ... "Stars".

I HATE this magazine & it only serves to make me hostile towards the "Stars" featured.  Why are they written about & what have they truly accomplished to gain our admiration??  Well, they are not getting mine.  No way.  It's a rotten magazine. The people who write the articles -- many I believe contain falsehoods -- should get REAL JOBS !!

I wonder who -- & what garbage -- will be featured in this week's issue of US WEEKLY ??  My subscription usually comes on Tuesdays.


  1. I agree with you, but ..... why do you subscribe to a magazine you hate?

  2. YOU almost made a complete circle....(several spelling errors too.)


  3. ** Keeps the blood flowing. Plus ... I don't like the people they feature.

    ** If "Spell-Check" doesn't get it ... too bad.

  4. My wife will buy "People" magazine occasionally and I have to admit for me what is more disturbing as I look through it when I am without something to read on the toilet is how supposedly REAL news magazines like Time and Newsweek resemble People.

    But you are right, all you need to be "famous" these days is money and a decent agent.

  5. Well, Ron, how about you in a reality show about the family trips to Disney World ?? All you lack is the $$ & an agent.
