Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Friday, December 16, 2011


I have strong opinions on a lot of subjects.  Not that I am smarter or more knowledgeable than other people, it's just that in a number of areas I don't go along, or get along, with the habits of my fellow human beings.  This ill-regard for many of the happenings in every day life, "caused" by other people, may be a defining reason why I live alone & have had no serious love interest in my life for many years. 

I guess I just hate ... people.  Well, that's kind of strong, either to write or to say.  It's more like I don't do a lot of things other people do & I don't think like most people either.  I'm probably turning into one of those curmudgeonly old men.

Now I know everyone has "issues" with various happenings in the world & no person really agrees with EVERYTHING going on around them, be it at their job, their relationships, political affiliations, etc.  I think we all agree, we disagree.  I am just more opinionated about ... "the little things".

I thought I would attempt to cleanse myself of some of the items I encounter in my life which more or less get me ... "steamed".  These occurrences may result in nothing more than me cursing under my breath ... or ... may find me confronting someone about something they did, realizing I might get my nose flattened in doing so.

I plan on writing about some of my "dislikes" -- which is a better word than HATE -- so I can "share" these thoughts & maybe find others who have similar feelings.  I'll start today with one of my pet peeves:  Shopping Carts Left Unattended In parking Lots.

The above photo -- taken at the local Sam's Club -- shows someone having used a shopping cart to take their purchases to their vehicle ... THEN NOT RETURNING THE CART !!  They just leave the cart in the parking lot & drive off.  It's the classic example -- which I also ... ah ... "dislike" -- of people having no consideration of their fellow man.  "Let someone else worry about it".

Yes ... whenever & wherever I shop ... if I use a shopping cart outside the store, I take it back to the store (Yes ... inside.) or, return it to one of the enclosed "cart returns".  That's why they have those & yet people find it requires too much effort to use them.

Most of my issues are the result of ... people.  But, since I have to share the world with them & I can only "limit" my interaction with others, I am always going to fuss & swear about ... things I hate.


  1. Wm..I agree with you on this one. I also get ticked off at, perhaps, the same folks who aimlessly stroll down the MIDDLE of the driving lane at same big box stores. Earl P.

  2. The people walking, are also holding up the people WAITING to pull their car into the close-to-the-building parking spot -- rather than parking further down in the parking lot -- while WAITING for the car to back out, which is ALREADY in the close-to-the building spot.

    I DO hate people !!

  3. Aw, come on guys, lighten up. I only hate the shopping carts when they have been pushed or blown into the side of my car or when they are left in an empty parking spot and I have to get out of the car, move the damn cart, get back in the car and park it. I do put mine away, though (most of the time). I almost hit one of those "strollers" yesterday - he was very old and very hunched over, looked lost - the car ahead of me must have just dodged him and with all the traffic coming from all directions ..... well, I felt really bad as he stopped to glare at me for what seemed like forever - the worst part: he was wearing a Yankees jacket and cap!!! I almost hit a fellow fan!! O..M..G!!!

  4. My truck has a foot long scratch, thanks to a cart left unseen on the passenger side at a WalMart.

  5. That bothers me too...but even more so, is someone getting out of a Disabled Parking spot wearing 4 inch heels...

  6. Saw someone release a shopping cart in a parking lot once and that bad boy rolled at least two-hundred feet, very slowly, only to impact in the side of a Lexus.

    I laughed because I did not like the person who owned the car.

  7. Sharon: I always wonder ... if the driver is "disabled" ... why are they driving ??
