Bamboo as it should be -- HUGE !!

Friday, October 21, 2011


At several of my news sources recently, there were stories/reports on the poor weather conditions of the past Summer season -- mostly the extreme heat/lack of rain -- causing a MAJOR shortage in this years peanut crop.  Peanut farmers are reporting up to 70% or more of this years harvest will never make it out of the fields.  The peanuts are DOA.

For yours truly, this information on the peanut supply is not the news I want to find out about.  The major impact on the lack of a successful peanut crop -- as pointed out in each news report -- is the impending shortage -- & increased prices -- of PEANUT BUTTER.

I have always enjoyed eating peanut butter & there is always a jar in my pantry. In fact, I probably owe my life to peanut butter. I've written previously how my life was saved by two five-pound CANS of Peter Pan peanut butter which my Mother smartly packed when her & I went to England for several months when I was a youngster. She knew I was a fussy eater & would never be enthused by English food. [Would you ??  "Bangers 'n' Mash" ?? UGH !!]

The news of a potential "shortage" of my favorite "Fall Back Food" -- as when other items in the pantry/refrigerator don't get the mouth watering & the jar of Jiff sitting on the shelf seems to "call" to me -- had me adding peanut butter to my grocery list..

 I was at Sam's Club the other day & "stocked up" -- don't call it HOARDING -- on four jars of the creamy delight.  Since each jar has 40 oz., I bought 10 lbs. of peanut butter ... the same amount that kept me alive in England all those many years ago.

I eat peanut butter on bread, on crackers, & YES ... sometimes with a spoon, straight from the jar.  Naturally, a favorite way to eat is to have a "P.B. & J." -- Peanut Butter & Jelly.  So, while at Sam's Club, I got some more jelly too.

Well, if there is going to be a peanut butter shortage ... let it come.  I'm ready for it.


  1. I love PB&J! mixed already in the jar is SOOOOO good! I better get to Costco and stock up too!

  2. Stock up !! It's not like PB ever goes bad.

    Wish there was a Costco in this state. Guess they don't come into Sam's/WalMart's "back yard". Well, maybe one day. After all, we've now got an Apple Store.

  3. "when she and I went to England"


    Regards, M.Schewene

  4. Thanks, Mike. Once again -- as always -- you have been sooooo helpful to me in my life.

  5. When did Mike start looking at your blog? Bubba

  6. Your blog is very entertaining! It puts a smile on my face!

  7. Thanks Melisa. It's a two way street. I've learned a lot from YOUR blog i.e., wood carving, types of wood, along with tid bits about N.W. Arkansas, etc.

  8. I bought a bunch of PB too a few weeks ago.

    When I went to England last summer, I was on a vegetarian diet (the tour had been notified, so they had to provide vegetarian meals). When everyone else had to eat bangers and mash, I got vegetarian sausages. So yummy! I'm back to regular diet now :)
