Plastic bags are a no-no. They have no sustaining support & the noise the bags make is not appreciated by The Girls. They avoid plastic bags.
Naturally, being cats, when I spent money on their "furniture" -- the "Kat Kondo" -- they investigated it when it was set up in the living room & then they promptly ignored it for weeks.
Well, the money was NOT wasted, as I first feared. In fact, it is now the daily hang-out for Nibblets.
One time in Petsmart, I acquired a bed which I figured would be the right size for any of the three thugs. When I brought it home the same scenario occurred: the bed was examined & there after, ignored.
The bed ended up in the corner of my office & after what ever length of "cat time" was necessary for it to be accepted as part of the house, THE WOBBLER took it over as her own. Wobs is the only cat to use the bed. In fact, she's sleeping in it now as I type.
Well, being a person who likes to spend money on his cats, another visit to Petsmart had the same beds on sale. Bed number two came home with me.
I placed the bed on the floor in the living room, with the idea that when it was occupied, I would have another cat sharing the living room with me during TV time & not scattered all over the house. They are my girls & I want to enjoy their companionship.
Same story ... ad nauseam. The second bed was investigated, reviewed & ignored.
Finally, while doing some cleaning & rearranging recently, I placed the latest bed on the dining room table, just to get it out of the way, before I put it in storage someplace ... like in a closet.
That's all it took to get it utilized; put the bed some place ... "inconvenient"... but only for humans. Works every time !!
Still, now that Wobs & Precious each have their own beds, I get to chuckle each time when I look at them curled up all comfy & serene, since I know ... they are in DOG BEDS !!!
Another great post. Thanks for making me laugh.
ReplyDeleteI must say I have found it extremely curious that in my house Sparky the Dog loves to eat the cat food while Evil Spock the Cat loves the dog food.
ReplyDeleteThe tortoises I raise -- while being vegetarians -- will eat meat. The protein is good for their growth.
ReplyDeleteThe cat, being cats, often will not eat all their fud, so I'll take the uneaten fud & scrape it into one bowl & put it in with the toroises. They come "running" for the chow.
I had several cans of dog food in the pantry, having planned on using it this past Summer when the tortoises were outside. Yesterday I decided to use the dog food for the reptiles & was in the kitchen, scraping it out of the can on to the plate.
Well, Momma Kitty comes up & is on her hind legs, reaching up with a front paw, wanting whatever it is that I am dealing with, since after all, there was a CAN opened.
I give her two small scoops in a bowl to satisfy her.
She cleaned the plate !!
Cats will leave 1/2 a serving of kat fud to rot, but NOT dog food !!!
Time to shop for "dogbed" #3?
Well, I probably be in Petsmart next week. Who knows ??
ReplyDeleteThe girls do spend quite a bit of time in the loft. It may be time to consider more "comfort" up there for them.