I put the electric blanket on the bed last night, which helped considerably. Wobs & Nibblets appreciated it as well. Toasty. Still, I got up in the night to turn up the house heat a bit.
I drove my truck for the first time today since Sunday. I went to the Rose City Post Office -- where I have a P.O. Box -- to get my mail. I got a nice package from Bubba. A copy of the Tennessee Conservationist, with an article on Tennessee turtles.
At the P.O. I also got my Visa bill. It had my Xmas expenses, including the rental car. I am sure the rental car companies jack up the rates at holidays. It was more than "twiced" [Inside joke again] that of my airline tickets.
I ran again this A.M. It was still in the 20's for temperatures, but the road was dryer than it has been. Still, lots of ice & even patches of snow on the ground.
The water in the creek to the East of here has gone down a lot. The road -- & bridge -- are dry & above water, after being flooded for several days after Xmas.
At the bridge this A.M., I noticed a duck in the water, which at first I thought was frozen in ice. It was a Mallard duck -- a male. Duck hunters -- like my friend Kenny -- call them "Greenheads".
Duck hunting -- as with the deer hunting I've written about previously -- is a big deal here in Arkansas. Heck, most all kinds of hunting is popular. I think people just like to shoot & kill things. They also shoot at a lot of Stop signs, probably when the hunting is poor. Most signs around here have "scars".
Well, if not frozen, I thought maybe the duck had been previously & was still traumatized. It wasn't moving. I made waving motions with my arms, to try to get a response from it. I see a lot of ducks at this creek & they usually fly off at the first sign of me. This duck was still not moving.
When I arrived home, I got some bread & walked back to the creek. I tossed bits of bread to the duck, hoping it would eat. It was still not responding.
Now I was worried. I went home & called the Fish & Game Commission. They promised to send an agent right out. Just for good measure, I called two of the local TV stations & the newspaper. I thought the duck "rescue" might make a good "human interest" feature. They were all sending reporters & film crews.
I figured this might be good & I would get my photo & name in the paper & on TV. Heck, CNN might pick it up & show it nationally. Maybe world wide. I might even get to meet Robin Meade !!!
I hurried back down to the bridge, to be there when everyone arrived. I even looked for some good angles & light direction -- for filming, photos & interviews.
The duck still had not moved. I was afraid it might be DEAD.
I ran home as fast as I could. No one saw me.
I'm sure glad I didn't give out my name or address.
Stupid ducks !!!
And ... I'm not going to meet Robin Meade.
These kinds of things happen to you every day, don't they?
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