I always seem to deliver mixed messages to myself regarding living in Arkansas. It's not a place I would probably choose to live & yet here I am.
This September will mark my 15th year living in this state. I got here because my long-term job transferred me here. But, now retired, I have had to question myself on more than one occasion; if this isn't a place I would WANT to live ... why am I still here ??
Obviously I have "issues". One of the main ones is that I am a "nester". I settle into my environment & up my comfort level in my personal space, no matter where I live. I make adjustments & -- selfishly -- tune-out whatever it is that I don't want, or care to deal with.
I KNOW I'd love to live in Hawaii. But only if I could afford it, so right off I've got to win a BIG lottery someplace. [I'm having no luck with the Florida lotto.]
I really liked Cost Rica, but that's a different county & really, a whole different world. It's probably just a place I'd visit regularly, traveling from Hawaii. It's that kind of fantasy thought.
No, I see myself staying in Arkansas. The people are friendly. I've got a nice home in the country. The climate regulates to give a sample of all seasons & the living expenses -- for now -- are in line with my money. What would else would I want ??
Well ... that's where my ambivalence about Arkansas seems hit a sticking point. It's the people.
Don't get me wrong. The people are nice & friendly & I have "friends" here, but at the same time, I have never really "connected" with either the people or the state we share.
A lot of times I think I'm on the outside, looking in. And ... I don't really "get" what I see in the people of Arkansas, which seems to be odd ways of living, or habits & mannerisms I can't relate to.
EXAMPLES ... of my disconnect:
Sports -- University of Arkansas football ... hunting ... NASCAR. All three are BIG in this state & I don't get any of them. I'm sure it's my fault I could give diddly squat about all three.
Food -- Too many menus with an over abundance of fatty meats & too many items dipped in batter & deep fried. "Salads" are ice berg lettuce. Give me a break.
Smoking -- WHY ?? [Too many people walking around with butts in their mouth.]
Motorists -- This is pretty scary, on a regular basis:
++ Turn signals seem to be "optional".
++ Half the drivers don't seem to want to turn on the car lights ... in rain, fog or at night.
++ Red lights & stop signs are observed & followed ... if convenient for the driver.
BUT the biggest disconnect I have with Arkansas people -- in THE NATURAL STATE, as it is called (by who ??) -- is the constant trashing of the roads & highways with whatever garbage can be tossed from a moving vehicle.
And to give the Devil his due ... there are just too many piles of trash where I KNOW someone had to stop their car/truck to unload/dump their trash/eyesores into the public realm. Talk about "extra effort".
Not long ago, I ran into the CLASSIC EXAMPLE of Arkansas people -- to me -- at their worst.
This is a bridge near my home where I pass daily with my morning walk/jog. On this day I was greeted with LARGE corrugated boxes tossed on the edge of the creek. Obviously this was an example of someone having to stop to make their "deposit". This was no "window-toss".
Later in the day, I returned with my truck & loaded up the (heavy ... oof !!) cartons & -- hopefully -- contributed my effort to keep someone else's trash out of the local environment.
Since I live in a Gated Complex, bringing ANYTHING into the area has to be inspected, reviewed & approved before it can be unloaded.
Wobs -- in the truck bed -- & Miss Nibs -- on the ground -- begin the inspection process.
And -- before the comments are sent -- it's a "Gated Complex" because my property is fenced & I have a gate. Deal with it.
The inspection is thorough & detailed.
As if the trashed boxes where not bad enough, this past week -- at the same bridge -- my morning exercise revealed FIVE automobile tires dropped off in the exact same location. [The tires were NOT there the previous day. Another "stop & toss" event.]
As with the boxes, I returned with my truck & loaded up the tires. (Double "oof", this time.)
When I got home, Wobs was quickly on the job, providing a full & complete "inspection" of the truck bed contents.
Precious -- AKA "
Momma Kitty" -- was there to "sign-off" on the inspection.
I can't begin to fathom what goes on in people's minds to want to toss their garbage on the roads in Arkansas. Convenience ?? Skipping out on paying a garbage collection fee ?? Freaking, lazy-ass Red Necks ??
I don't know, but after living here all these years, it just may be all three reasons.